What's Happening


Rebuilding the Global Home: Cymbeline and Multilateralism 

By Cymbeline Anthropocene on May 08, 2020 in Cymbeline and the World

As COVID-19 has spread around the world, it’s been sad to see agencies such as the World Health Organization attacked for alleged shortcomings while it struggles to encourage coordinated action against this unprecedented crisis.


COVID-19, the Anthropocene, Cymbeline

By Cymbeline Anthropocene on Mar 30, 2020 in Cymbeline and the World, Articles of Interest

The new coronavirus is a frighteningly accelerated version of the incremental disruptions of climate change. Both are Anthropocene crises because they confound or collapse connections between local and global environments normally believed to be safely distanced and manageable. Here I'll explore how a COVID-19 context affects the roles of Jupiter and Giacomo, and alters the emotional – and potentially transformative -- impacts of the play’s tragicomedy.


Finding the Pink Flower in the Scorched Landscape: A Discussion with Our Collaborators

Finding the Pink Flower in the Scorched Landscape: A Discussion with Our Collaborators
By Cymbeline Anthropocene on Feb 19, 2020 in Articles of Interest, Project News

Cymbeline in the Anthropocene group discussion of the play's ecology on Day 2 of the Santa Barbara meeting, January 25, 2020.


Greening the Theater: Taking Ecocriticism from Page to Stage

By Cymbeline Anthropocene on Jan 09, 2020 in Articles of Interest

In the past three decades ecology has lit a greening fire across disciplines, from environmental history to environmental management, from ecofeminism to green economics. Greening artistic values have spawned land-art, site-specific dance, nature writing, and music with whales.