Project News
Shakespeare in Yosemite: post-production editor Brandon Cooper
While filming Imogen in the Wild, Shakespeare in Yosemite’s research assistant Monica Perales interviewed the cast and crew about their experience adapting Cymbeline. Our fourth instalment from Perales’s interviews is with Brandon Cooper, a member of the post-production editing team.
Shakespeare in Yosemite: Interview with Cymbeline & Celia
While filming Imogen in the Wild, Shakespeare in Yosemite’s research assistant Monica Perales interviewed the cast and crew about their experience adapting Cymbeline. The following interview has Monica in conversation with Dennis Lee Brown, who plays Cymbeline himself, and Rachel Battisti, who plays the king’s assistant, Celia.
Shakespeare in Yosemite: Interview with William Wolfgang
While filming Imogen in the Wild, Shakespeare in Yosemite’s research assistant Monica Perales interviewed various cast members about their experience adapting Cymbeline. Today, the Cymbeline in the Anthropocene blog presents a second interview between Monica and production manager, William Wolfgang, who also appears in the film as a waiter, security guard number three, and protester number two.
Montana Cymbeline: Interview with props designer Nova Grayson Casillo
After a holiday break in July, Cymbeline in the Anthropocene is back with a lively and insightful blog-interview with the designer of the visually striking and beautifully crafted props for the Montana Shakespeare in the Parks production of Cymbeline, currently on summer tour until early September.
Denise Massman on costuming Montana Shakespeare in the Parks
In today's blog, Denise Massman tells us about the spectacular costumes she deisgned for Montana Shakespeare in the Park's Cymbeline, currently on summer tour. Massman is a professional theatre designer who teaches at Siena College in upstate New York. Born and educated in Montana, she has been designing shows for MSIP for over 26 years.
Shakespeare in Yosemite: Interview with Chase Brantley
While filming their Cymbeline film adaptation Imogen in the Wild, Shakespeare in Yosemite’s cast were interviewed by the company’s research assistant, Monica Perales. As we await the film’s debut in September, Cymbeline in the Anthropocene will be posting excerpts from Monica’s interviews, beginning with her conversation with Chase Brantley--and a video preview of his character in action.
More Montana opening night photos!
We are delighted to share some more photos, courtesy of Adrian Sanchez-Gonzalez, from Montana Shakespeare in the Park's eye-popping Cymbeline!
Performance Announcement: Willow Globe Cymbeline, opening 25 June!
Cymbeline in the Anthropocene is thrilled to announce the second production this month by another of our project collaborators: Willow Globe Theatre Company. The Willow Globe (Y Glôb Byw) is a unique, living, scaled-down version of Shakespeare's Globe in London. Located in rural Wales near Llandridod, Powys, it is constructed entirely of willow trees and branches with a rough thrust stage at its heart.
Montana Shakespeare in the Parks Opens 16 June!
We are excited to report that the Montana Shakespeare in the Parks production of Cymbeline is now in final rehearsals for their opening night show on Wednesday, 16 June, 2021.
Imogen in the Wild: Interview with Sofia Andom
In today’s blog, Sofia Andom chats to us about her journey into performing Imogen in Shakespeare in Yosemite’s feature-film Cymbeline adaptation, Imogen in the Wild.
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