What's Happening

Other Cymbelines

Imagining Cymbeline with Shakespeare Students at Loyola University New Orleans

Imagining Cymbeline with Shakespeare Students at Loyola University New Orleans
By Cymbeline Anthropocene on Feb 23, 2021 in Other Cymbelines

In Fall 2020, Dr. Hillary Eklund taught a first-year seminar, “Shakespeare’s Worlds” for the Honors Program at Loyola University New Orleans @Loyola_NOLA. In this project-based course, students explored the various “worlds” in which Shakespeare lived and worked, as well as the scholarly and artistic contexts where we encounter his work today. For their final projects, students took creative approaches to making meaning with Shakespeare’s texts. Today, we are pleased to feature two of the final projects by Dr. Eklund's students: a visual rendering of Innogen as a woman king, and a playlist of songs corresponding to some of the central characters' defining moments. 


A Caged Bird's Song: An Avian Cymbeline

A Caged Bird's Song: An Avian Cymbeline
By Cymbeline Anthropocene on Feb 11, 2021 in Other Cymbelines

Amber Loper’s A Caged Bird’s Song: An Avian Adaptation of Shakespeare’s Cymbeline  is a brilliant creation of the ecocritical and post-human imagination. Inspired by the play’s abundant bird imagery and Rebecca Ann Bach’s "Avian Shakespeare," Loper playfully reimagines Shakespeare’s original characters and conflicts from the viewpoint of birds in order to bring to life their hardships in the environmentally degraded conditions of 20th and 21st century California.


Other Cymbelines: YXE Shakespeare Lab

Other Cymbelines: YXE Shakespeare Lab
By Cymbeline Anthropocene on Oct 22, 2020 in Other Cymbelines

In our second installment of the Other Cymbelines series features a stripped-down production of Cymbeline  by the YXE Shakespeare Lab in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, as told by project leader Skye Brandon.


Other Cymbelines: Bard in the Barracks

Other Cymbelines: Bard in the Barracks
By Cymbeline Anthropocene on Jul 02, 2020 in Other Cymbelines

In a new blog series, Cymbeline in the Anthropocene will be highlighting past performances of Cymbeline around the world--whether they were performed in theatres, on film, or myriad outdoor locations. First in this series is the Bard in the Barracks' summer 2016 Cymbeline in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, as presented by director Len Falkenstein. If you wish to suggest another Cymbeline for us to feature, please be in touch via our contact page, or on Twitter or Instagram @ecocymbeline!