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Performance announcement: Cymbeline in Yosemite

By Cymbeline Anthropocene on Mar 09, 2021 at 04:15 PM in Project News

Cymbeline in the Anthropocene is pleased to announce our second round of Cymbeline performance: Shakespeare in Yosemite's adaptation Imogen in the Wild will be released on April 22nd, on Earth DayImogen in the Wild will be the second production from our collaborators this April, closely coinciding with Rob Conkie and La Trobe University Theatre's Cymbeline, which runs between April 21-24 in Melbourne, Australia

Performance announcement: Cymbeline in Yosemite

Based in Merced, California, USA, Shakespeare in Yosemite has prepared Imogen in the Wild as a feature film, to be released on Youtube for free public viewing. Under the direction of Katherine Steele Brokaw and Paul Prescott, the film's cast features Lisa Volpe, Dennis Brown, Connie Stetson, Lee Stetson, and Sofia Andom as Imogen. With music by Cathryn Flores (who also composed the soundtrack of Ricardo II!) and Rena Leon, the film features breathtaking settings in Yosemite National Park, shot by videographer Shawn Overton. The production is co-sponsored by UC Merced Arts and Yosemite National Park.

Performance announcement: Cymbeline in Yosemite

To view more photos of the film production process, Shakespeare in Yosemite @yosemiteshakes on Instagram and Twitter, and follow our updates at @ecocymbeline on both platforms as well.